Thursday, January 24, 2013


Success is not an event,its a continuous process. No one attains it by accident or by chance,rather its a matter of addiction. Everybody wishes to be successful but few have got the will to succeed,we have thousand of wishes but never a will to follow up our wishes. Wishes don't count until they become a will. Success is not a spontaneous combustion,its a matter of setting yourself on fire and firing on. How do you define success? What you don't sefine cannot refine you. I guess your definition is; having millions in your account makes you a millionaire; well you are right and that's 98% definition of success. Assuming you have changed 100 lives and these people now decides to pay you $100 monthly,how much would you realize at month end? Your level of giving will determine the level of success. The millions you have do not make you a millionaire but millions of life you have touched positively. Success is not what you define,its what's defines you. Bill cosby observed "I may not know the key to success but the way to failure is to try to please everybody". You cannot be successful if you avoid critics,many have fallen in this pit,they can't stand on their ego; they follow the crowd and they arrive safely in poverty island. Where would you be if you follow and act on your idea? When you live without discipline,you will die without dignity. Everybody thinks of changing the world,no one thinks of changing himself. 90% of us are graduate of this school. We spend 99% of our salary and even more to impress our friends. "You life today is a function of how you invested your time and money yesterday and your life tomorrow will be a result of how you invested your money and time today" observed by MR THINKING. A farmer that eats his fruits and seed has ended his career. Money is a spirit it uses those that misuse it,but is useful to those that use it . No horse gets anywhere until its harnessed. No life ever grows great until it is focused,dedicated,disciplined and deligent.

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