Thursday, January 24, 2013


"Man can be talented and frustrated if not motivated" observed by john maxwell. Self motivation at times is the different between success and failure. If you refuse to motivate yourself then any external motivation will never count because you've already looked down on you. Most of the great men that has ever lived,where at a point in there life discourage by friends and even family members but just because of the encouragement and the belief they've in there self has made them what they are. "If you do not change your course,those that have discourage you will have no choice but to talk about your worth" observed by Victor alto. WHAT IS SELF MOTIVATION: self motivational is telling yourself "I can","I will","I must","the world must celebrate me". When motivating yourself,never romance any passed achievement or failure. Always give ears to advice because when you see your self as mr right,you will never learn any new thing. And beside,listening gives wisdom and "you can only learn more and be wiser when you give ears to your predecessor or those under you" as observed by victor alto. Do not get distracted because "you achieve little or none with a divided mind" observed by victor alto. "You will end up dividing your dream,vision and ideas if you have a divided mind" observed by victor alto. If we do not change our direction,we are likely to end up at our destination. Self motivation is a force that keeps you on track and keep pushing one forward,no matter the pros and cons. It bring one closer to his or her dreams. You will definitely make wrong decision,mistake or even fail but one thing is self motivation grows its carrier. HOW DO I MOTIVATE MYSELF? You need to first look at where you are,the environment you find yourself,is it a motivating one,if no then change your environment or make your environment play by your rule. The biggest problem we have in nigeria is its environment are not enabling; it doesn't give room for development. To overcome all this; you need to have self confidence,focus and strong goal. You need to make the four letter word "WILL" your watchword because without the will to succeed,success might not be attainable. Never place all on hope because hope cannot overcome obstacle but deadline and commitment does. You have to believe in your own ability. Do not be scared of failure because its a stepping stone to greatness."If you have not failed before,then you have not tried to succeed". Hard work will only pay part of your bill and put food on your table but smart work will put you in control.

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