Thursday, January 24, 2013


Human beings are like car wheels and if you refuse to take charge or be in control then a more focused person who has a vision will take over and drive you to his or her destination. So its either u drive yourself to success while other follow or you get driven to a friends island where u end up nurturing another mans dream. One thing that's stops people from taking a bold step is procrastination,the thought to do it another day. The fear to take adequate action is also another issue because most do not want to fail and the truth is failure is inevitable as far as you are on the road to success land."If you have not failed before then it means you have not tried to succeed". Most people rely on wish and hope; many have hoped for a better tomorrow and have landed safely in poverty island. How can you hope for a better tomorrow and not take action today."Were we are today is as a result of the decision and action we took yesterday".your yesterday can only be better than today if your yesterday was full of productivity{victor alto} How can I drive myself to success land In other to get to success land; you need to first have an interesting vision or goals,doesn't have to be too big or too small "ideas are only termed great when its greatly pursued" Do what you love and know your own bone{henry david} Your dream must be inspiring enough because if it isn't then it will end up dragging you. Make a full use of your mind and do not at a time stop thinking because the moment you do,you start stinking {mr thinking} Channel your thought and your resources towards achieving your goals,never look down on your ideas. Always stay on track at all time because you achieve little or none with a divided mind. {Victor alto} Announce your end from the beginning,talk about your success even when you fail,reload and fire on. Get rid of the common ant, automatic negative thought. Know your why because your flight will determine your fight. Change your habit. Be purposeful. Without a purpose,nothing should be done. Get rid of the inner conflict. Envy nobody's vision. Always add the extra. The difference between the ordinary and the extraordinary is the extra. In all of your doing,apply the extra. And always remember that every vision is great when its greatly pursued.

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