Friday, January 25, 2013


The worst ailment in life is for people to have eyes that sees possible things as impossible. Impossibility is the first word found in the dictionary of an ordinary people. What you allow your mind to think and belive is going to be real and come true. Henry ford believes that its possible to invent a vehicle called car. At that time nobody actually believes henry ford,everyone laughed at him saying he was crazy. Anything think able is achievable. He became the number one car manufacturer in the world "the world is full of numerous unseen success seeds one of which when planted,spout big into a gigantic tree bearing fruits that alleviate hunger and quench thirst why then....and how comes poverty. The woman called earth is pregnant with so much,more than what one can ever desire or think of but only the willing 'microscopic eye' can ever discern,discover and harness them. Only the eye which is not blindfolded by the political situation,government insensitivity and economic downtown of the nation can see the hidden treasure of the land and turn poverty into prosperity. Stop the excuses,see the invisible and do the impossible. "A successful man is the one that can build a firm foundation with the brick others throw at him" observed by john mason Your life is to be spent not to be saved "ideas comes to my head for a reason and for a season and what I don't think of cannot kick off" MR THINKING Poverty is lack of ideas,not lack of money. The man called poverty is so blind that he can't just notice or discover the pregnancy of the woman living under his roof and sleeping on the same bed with him. Indeed, he cannot see the innumerable,invaluable gift of nature right under his feet. Our opportunities are limited by our imagination. The mother of all ideas is imagination. The most powerful weapon in the whole world was once imagined or conceived and eventually giving birth to. There is no weapon as powerful as that your seemingly small idea. Nothing except another idea can destroy it. Only you can make it work. If you see it,you will definitely have it. Do you wish to be the best in your academics,vocation or other endeavors? Then work towards it and you will have it. God has done the baking of our daily bread but he leaves the processing for us. Process the great success seed,get focused,plant it,nurture it and guard it jealously. Do not be distracted for the secret of your future is hidden in your well planned daily routine. Study the nature of your being and study the subject you offer at school,study everything around you that can make you great and follow it up. Obafemi awolowo said " A man of intelligence will always control a man of labor" "If you are not useful to you then you will be to another" observed by Victor Alto. Those who cannot see what you see will discourage you. But again,I say; stay focus and let focus fortified fruitful fulfillment in your future.

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