Friday, January 25, 2013


The worst ailment in life is for people to have eyes that sees possible things as impossible. Impossibility is the first word found in the dictionary of an ordinary people. What you allow your mind to think and belive is going to be real and come true. Henry ford believes that its possible to invent a vehicle called car. At that time nobody actually believes henry ford,everyone laughed at him saying he was crazy. Anything think able is achievable. He became the number one car manufacturer in the world "the world is full of numerous unseen success seeds one of which when planted,spout big into a gigantic tree bearing fruits that alleviate hunger and quench thirst why then....and how comes poverty. The woman called earth is pregnant with so much,more than what one can ever desire or think of but only the willing 'microscopic eye' can ever discern,discover and harness them. Only the eye which is not blindfolded by the political situation,government insensitivity and economic downtown of the nation can see the hidden treasure of the land and turn poverty into prosperity. Stop the excuses,see the invisible and do the impossible. "A successful man is the one that can build a firm foundation with the brick others throw at him" observed by john mason Your life is to be spent not to be saved "ideas comes to my head for a reason and for a season and what I don't think of cannot kick off" MR THINKING Poverty is lack of ideas,not lack of money. The man called poverty is so blind that he can't just notice or discover the pregnancy of the woman living under his roof and sleeping on the same bed with him. Indeed, he cannot see the innumerable,invaluable gift of nature right under his feet. Our opportunities are limited by our imagination. The mother of all ideas is imagination. The most powerful weapon in the whole world was once imagined or conceived and eventually giving birth to. There is no weapon as powerful as that your seemingly small idea. Nothing except another idea can destroy it. Only you can make it work. If you see it,you will definitely have it. Do you wish to be the best in your academics,vocation or other endeavors? Then work towards it and you will have it. God has done the baking of our daily bread but he leaves the processing for us. Process the great success seed,get focused,plant it,nurture it and guard it jealously. Do not be distracted for the secret of your future is hidden in your well planned daily routine. Study the nature of your being and study the subject you offer at school,study everything around you that can make you great and follow it up. Obafemi awolowo said " A man of intelligence will always control a man of labor" "If you are not useful to you then you will be to another" observed by Victor Alto. Those who cannot see what you see will discourage you. But again,I say; stay focus and let focus fortified fruitful fulfillment in your future.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


"Man can be talented and frustrated if not motivated" observed by john maxwell. Self motivation at times is the different between success and failure. If you refuse to motivate yourself then any external motivation will never count because you've already looked down on you. Most of the great men that has ever lived,where at a point in there life discourage by friends and even family members but just because of the encouragement and the belief they've in there self has made them what they are. "If you do not change your course,those that have discourage you will have no choice but to talk about your worth" observed by Victor alto. WHAT IS SELF MOTIVATION: self motivational is telling yourself "I can","I will","I must","the world must celebrate me". When motivating yourself,never romance any passed achievement or failure. Always give ears to advice because when you see your self as mr right,you will never learn any new thing. And beside,listening gives wisdom and "you can only learn more and be wiser when you give ears to your predecessor or those under you" as observed by victor alto. Do not get distracted because "you achieve little or none with a divided mind" observed by victor alto. "You will end up dividing your dream,vision and ideas if you have a divided mind" observed by victor alto. If we do not change our direction,we are likely to end up at our destination. Self motivation is a force that keeps you on track and keep pushing one forward,no matter the pros and cons. It bring one closer to his or her dreams. You will definitely make wrong decision,mistake or even fail but one thing is self motivation grows its carrier. HOW DO I MOTIVATE MYSELF? You need to first look at where you are,the environment you find yourself,is it a motivating one,if no then change your environment or make your environment play by your rule. The biggest problem we have in nigeria is its environment are not enabling; it doesn't give room for development. To overcome all this; you need to have self confidence,focus and strong goal. You need to make the four letter word "WILL" your watchword because without the will to succeed,success might not be attainable. Never place all on hope because hope cannot overcome obstacle but deadline and commitment does. You have to believe in your own ability. Do not be scared of failure because its a stepping stone to greatness."If you have not failed before,then you have not tried to succeed". Hard work will only pay part of your bill and put food on your table but smart work will put you in control.


Success is not where you will be landing or destination,its a never ending journey. You keep striving towards success. Its not determined by the wealth you have accumulated but by the challenges you have encountered and overcome. To get what you want you must do great things,not necessarily many things. Albert einstein never attained great wealth in his life time but could anyone say he was not successful,he reached the top of his profession and changed the world because he knew exactly what he wanted to do,to achieve success you must do these three things,which successful people have done. READ MOTIVATIONAL BOOKS AND ACCESS AUDIO/VIDEO MATERIALS:MR THINKING observed that "books are for nothing but to inspire and if nothing inspire you,you will expire" The first key is to motivate yourself by reading books about great people who have gone through difficult time and made it. John maxwell observed "you can be talented and frustrated if not motivated" don't stop when you are tired,stop when you are done. SHARE YOUR DREAMS: share your dream with someone who is more successful than you. Your dream is to be achieved and not to be waited for. There are two kind of people you have to identify in your life; DREAM LIGHTER AND DREAM FIGHTER. Dream lighter encourage you and believe in your vision,while dream fighter are jericho of prosperity,they kill your vision. According to samson olawore "the easiest thing to steal is an idea because it has no identification" remember dreams die when there is nobody to share it with. "A dead person is not the one who has been embalmed in mortuary but one who's dreams has been embalmed" TAKE ACTION: To put your idea into action is the most difficult thing in the world,as observed by john wolfgang. To achieve success,you must practice these three things. Not all action brings happiness but there is no happiness without action, observed by MR THINKING. Remember success is not the flag of a particular person but for an extraordinary person who does not stop until when they are done.


Human beings are like car wheels and if you refuse to take charge or be in control then a more focused person who has a vision will take over and drive you to his or her destination. So its either u drive yourself to success while other follow or you get driven to a friends island where u end up nurturing another mans dream. One thing that's stops people from taking a bold step is procrastination,the thought to do it another day. The fear to take adequate action is also another issue because most do not want to fail and the truth is failure is inevitable as far as you are on the road to success land."If you have not failed before then it means you have not tried to succeed". Most people rely on wish and hope; many have hoped for a better tomorrow and have landed safely in poverty island. How can you hope for a better tomorrow and not take action today."Were we are today is as a result of the decision and action we took yesterday".your yesterday can only be better than today if your yesterday was full of productivity{victor alto} How can I drive myself to success land In other to get to success land; you need to first have an interesting vision or goals,doesn't have to be too big or too small "ideas are only termed great when its greatly pursued" Do what you love and know your own bone{henry david} Your dream must be inspiring enough because if it isn't then it will end up dragging you. Make a full use of your mind and do not at a time stop thinking because the moment you do,you start stinking {mr thinking} Channel your thought and your resources towards achieving your goals,never look down on your ideas. Always stay on track at all time because you achieve little or none with a divided mind. {Victor alto} Announce your end from the beginning,talk about your success even when you fail,reload and fire on. Get rid of the common ant, automatic negative thought. Know your why because your flight will determine your fight. Change your habit. Be purposeful. Without a purpose,nothing should be done. Get rid of the inner conflict. Envy nobody's vision. Always add the extra. The difference between the ordinary and the extraordinary is the extra. In all of your doing,apply the extra. And always remember that every vision is great when its greatly pursued.


Success is not an event,its a continuous process. No one attains it by accident or by chance,rather its a matter of addiction. Everybody wishes to be successful but few have got the will to succeed,we have thousand of wishes but never a will to follow up our wishes. Wishes don't count until they become a will. Success is not a spontaneous combustion,its a matter of setting yourself on fire and firing on. How do you define success? What you don't sefine cannot refine you. I guess your definition is; having millions in your account makes you a millionaire; well you are right and that's 98% definition of success. Assuming you have changed 100 lives and these people now decides to pay you $100 monthly,how much would you realize at month end? Your level of giving will determine the level of success. The millions you have do not make you a millionaire but millions of life you have touched positively. Success is not what you define,its what's defines you. Bill cosby observed "I may not know the key to success but the way to failure is to try to please everybody". You cannot be successful if you avoid critics,many have fallen in this pit,they can't stand on their ego; they follow the crowd and they arrive safely in poverty island. Where would you be if you follow and act on your idea? When you live without discipline,you will die without dignity. Everybody thinks of changing the world,no one thinks of changing himself. 90% of us are graduate of this school. We spend 99% of our salary and even more to impress our friends. "You life today is a function of how you invested your time and money yesterday and your life tomorrow will be a result of how you invested your money and time today" observed by MR THINKING. A farmer that eats his fruits and seed has ended his career. Money is a spirit it uses those that misuse it,but is useful to those that use it . No horse gets anywhere until its harnessed. No life ever grows great until it is focused,dedicated,disciplined and deligent.